
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Royal Crush review

Hello everyone! Can I just say that I am TOTALLY geeking out right now! Trying to keep my inner fangirl under control, but it is proving very difficult. This week I had the great pleasure of working with Rockstar Book Tours on a blog tour for Royal Crush, by Meg Cabot. Now some of you may be asking yourselves, why is that name familiar? It's because she wrote Princess Diaries!! Hence my geeking out.
Alright, I'm just going to let myself fangirl: Meg Cabot, if you're reading this, I'm a HUGE fan. I grew up reading the Princess Diaries series from the time that I was six or so. I've read the first one at least seven or eight times, and I can recite the entire movie (probably a little embarrassing, but whatever). I absolutely love your writing style. Your heroines are so awesome and relatable, and their kick butt-ness inspired me so much as a kid. Okay, fangirl time over. I'll control myself now.
Royal Crush is the third book in the "From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess" series. This spinoff is about Princess Olivia, Mia's younger sister. In this book, she grapples with all of the normal problems of a middle school girl (siblings, crushes, mean girls, school, etc) all while dealing with the pressure of being a princess. Olivia is a spunky, relatable heroine, and her commentary made me laugh out loud many times (including once in a waiting room, where I got a lot of weird looks from strangers).
Olivia is attending the Royal Genovian Academy, a school for members of Royal families. Although it is a fancy finishing school for royals, RGA has all the drama of a normal middle school. Olivia has to deal with her mean cousin Luisa, one of the most popular girls in school, and a crush on Prince Khalil, who fled a war-torn country. Meg Cabot does a great job of showing the life of a middle schooler accurately and without and disdain or patronization. Her depiction of middle school life made me shudder (oh god middle school is so awkward), cheer, and laugh as our awesome heroine discovers the ins and outs of relationships and ruling.
Meg Cabot has written another fantastic installment in the world of Genovian royalty, giving us more awesome characters to root for, places we wished we lived (I mean seriously, Genovia? The Alps? This book gave me serious world envy), and best of all a look in on our old favorites. Thanks for letting me go back to Genovia, Meg. It was a pleasure.
Overall rating- 5/5
Thanks for reading my review everyone, and until next time, happy reading :)

Author: Meg Cabot
Pub. Date: August 1, 2017
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Pages: 192
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook

Being the newest princess of Genovia is WAY more complicated than she expected, but Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison is getting used to it. She gets to live in an actual palace with two fabulous poodles, a pet iguana, her very own pony, and, best of all, a loving family to help her figure things out!

And right now Olivia, having finally admitted that she likes Prince Khalil as more than just a friend, could REALLY use some advice. What is a princess supposed to do once she's found a prince she likes? With her half-sister Mia busy enjoying her honeymoon, Olivia turns to Grandmere for help.

The third book in the middle-grade Princess Diaries spin-off series, written and illustrated by New York Times-bestselling author Meg Cabot.

About Meg:
Meg Cabot is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of books for both adults and tweens/teens. There have been over 25 million copies of Meg’s nearly 80 published books sold in 38 countries. Her last name rhymes with habit, as in “her books can be habit forming.” She currently lives in Key West, Florida with her husband and various cats.

Giveaway Details:
3 winners will receive a finished copy of ROYAL CRUSH, US Only.
Rafflecopter Link:

Tour Schedule:
Week One:
7/24/2017- YA Book NerdReview
7/25/2017- BibliobakesReview
7/26/2017- Margie's Must ReadsReview
7/27/2017- Never Too Many To ReadReview
7/28/2017- The Autumn BookshelfReview

Week Two:
7/31/2017- Little Miss Drama QueenReview
8/1/2017- The Book NutReview
8/2/2017- Becky on BooksReview
8/3/2017- Pervy Ladies BooksReview
8/4/2017- YA Books CentralSpotlight


  1. Aww, thanks Morgan for the review!!

    1. You are so very welcome! Thanks for letting me be part of the tour!
