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Daughter of the Pirate King review

Image result for daughter of the pirate king
Hello readers! For those of you who don't know, Booktubeathon is going on right now! Woohoo! It's my first time participating, and I'm having such an awesome time. I've been doing a lot of editing and publishing work for my internship recently, so it's been great to get to read for fun. And trust me, this was a fun read. I binge read this entire book in one sitting.

Daughter of the Pirate King is a fun, funny, swashbuckling adventure of a read. Alosa, the kickass, red-haired, smart, ruthless daughter of the pirate king is sent on a mission to steal something from an enemy ship. This isn't too terribly dangerous for her; she's smarter and more deadly than all the men on the ship (my kinda gal), and it's really just SO fun to watch her running circles around her would-be captors. Honestly, I don't know why pirates aren't a bigger thing in YA literature. This was such a fun departure from the general tropes of the genre, and I found myself literally unable to look away because I was so excited to find out what happened next.
I think my favorite part of the book was the girl power. Often, in order to make a female character "strong", people will just write them as being totally heartless, as if a woman has to be both mean and emotionless in order to be strong. Tricia Levenseller didn't fall prey to that way of thinking. Instead, she embraced all of the awesome parts of being a woman and gave us Alosa; a tough but not brutish, intelligent but not emotionless, very human character. I could really identify with her, and my heart was in this book.
My final rating- 5/5. I would completely recommend this to anyone and everyone.
Thank you Tricia Levenseller for giving me such an amazing read, and thanks to my awesome followers for reading this post. Until next time, happy reading :)
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